Friday, January 15, 2010

Planet Hulk - New Animated Movie

I attended a screening of the, soon to be released straight to Blu-Ray, DVD and Digital Download, Planet Hulk movie. They had a bi-coastal event in conjunction with the Paley Media Center in NYC and LA.

There weren't any big names doing the voices for this movie, but the actors did a good job. It starts off with Iron Man and crew sending Hulk off planet Earth because he's uncontrollable, that's the sane as the comic. He goes off course and ends up on a planet that is waiting for a savior. They're technology and weapons are advanced, but bear a striking resemblance to the Roman empire at it's peak. The story then take a very unoriginal turn, Hulk becomes a slave/gladiator and must work with the others to fight for their freedom as well as kill the Red King.
It's a forgettable movie at best. The animation is nothing special and I felt like I watching an old cartoon instead of a new movie. I don't expect Pixar quality, I enjoy gritty animation, but DC does a much better job with this type of project than Marvel. The Wonder Woman movie from last year was much better than this, and nothing beats The Justice League.
I'm not sure I would recommend this movie for purchase. If you're a major Hulk fan, you'll probably get it anyway, but try not to get your hopes up expecting a great story. It's just not there.

There was a Q&A session after the movie. I did not stay around for it though. Seeing Quesada walk in with Mickey Mouse Tshirt wad enough for me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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