Wednesday, August 12, 2009

High Heels and Those Who Can't Walk In Them

I love high heels. Shoes are my favorite part of almost outfit.
I, like many other women, always check out a another woman's shoes first and then looking at the rest of her outfit.
No matter what the trends are in fashion, a beautiful pair of heels will always be in style.
HOWEVER, it doesn't matter how nice or expensive the shoes are, you could be wearing the newest snakeskin platforms from Louboutin, if you don't know how to walk in them, you should not wear them.
Nothing makes you look more ridiculous than walking down the street in a super cute dress, wobbling like a fawn in 4" heels.
I saw a girl yesterday in a gorgeous pair of patent leather leopard printed shoes, they had the gold metal covering the heels, and everyone was laughing and pointing at her as she walked past them. I don't think she took a single solid step. Not only did she look ridiculous, but she was also ruining her shoes. At the rate she was going they'd be worn away to the metal in no time.
So, advice, practice walking around in those shoes before you go out OR buy a lower height heel that you can actually walk properly in.
The second choice will probably make your life a little easier.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Value: Defined

I was surprised with a beautiful bridal shower. The space was very nice, the tables, flowers, decor, everything was beautiful. A friend of mine made a gorgeous cake, with a replica of my blue wedding shoes on top! Everyone was dressed so pretty in a little black dress and heels, like we were having a night out on the town. I had a great time and loved it, but now I'm feeling left with an empty feeling in my heart.
With all the nice things came a lot of disappointment. People I would have expected to come didn't show up. They didn't even call afterwards with words of regret or anything.
I also realized I don't seem to mean as much to other people as I thought I might. I felt let down by the quality of gifts I was given. I'm not usually a materialistic person, so I'm not sure where these feelings are coming from, but they're there nonetheless. It felt like people searched for the cheapest thing on the registry and bought that. Or, they bought something we didn't register for because they couldn't take the time to make a trip to one of the stores we registered at. Which is silly, since you can order anything online. I definitely didn't receive as many presents as I would have thought. Not everyone nought me something.
I'm sure I'm a horrible person for feeling this way, but right now all I feel is disappointment. Especiallyconsidering how generous I am with everyone else. I guess I expected to get that back from people and I didn't.
Hopefully there's more to come and I won't be disappointed by everyone.