Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Addicted to Dragon Age: Origins

I just finished my first pass through Dragon Age last night. I have been playing for weeks, a couple of hours a nights, and for way too long on Saturdays. When I like a game I want to play all the time. It's like a compulsion.
The game is a lot of fun. It's a great role playing game for anyone who likes to see their characters evolve. There are multiple choices for race, classes and gender. The game is different depending on what you choose and the choices you make as a player.
The story is a classic heroic tale, you are recruited as a member of a group of Guardians called the Grey Wardens. They serve to protect the lands from the Blight, evil hordes of demons and darkspawn. They are also the ones that can defeat the Archdemon, a great demon that takes form as a dragon.
There are many places to travel through in the game. There are also tons of side quests to keep you busy for a long time if you don't want to go through the main story arc too quickly.
If you are an Xbox 360 gamer, like me, then you can gain the achievement points for this game. However, there are many that require you to play the game at least twice all the way through. If you are adamant about getting ALL of the points, then you need to play the game with each race. Don't be put off by this. I am looking forward to starting my second pass at the game with a different character. I can't wait to see how different the story will be and how differently the others in the game will react to me.
This is definitely a game I would recommend to anyone who enjoys role-playing games. If you are new to video games of this type, just play on casual and have fun.
There are, of course, game add-ons as well. One, The Stone Prisoner, you can get for free when you buy the game. A new expansion is due out later this year. I'm definitely looking forward to that!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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