Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Go go government

Health reform has passed! Finally!
There are many different angles that the health reform bill is being attacked or praised on. Mostly, I just can't understand why anyone would think it's a bad idea for our government to put a bill into place that would protect people from the greedy and immoral insurance business. This bill will allow millions of people to get medical insurance, followed by proper health care, that would never have been able to do so before.

Here's the thing, health insurance is supposed to help people get the care they need in the event that they fall ill. That illness can be anything, cancer, anemia, a heart attack or the flu. But it has become the practice of the insurance agencies to deny coverage to those people or drop them from coverage when they become sick. What's worse is that we the people have had to accept that as being okay because there was nothing else we could do.
This new bill speaks for the people, not the insurance agencies. Which, frankly, is something the government hasn't done in a long time. Year after year we've seen the politicians sitting in the pockets of big business. The auto industry, big oil, the banks, insurance firms, time and again get things passed in their favor because they have the deeper pockets. But we now have a president who was put in place by us, the constituents, and who does not have to worry about whether he will lose that financial backing from some huge firm.
Obama cares about the people of this country. It's a very strange concept to find on Capitol Hill. All those fat old men have been cut off from reality for so long they only see their own point of view and blindly believe it's what's right since they've been in place for so many years.
Hopefully this bill passing, and all the disgusting antics from the republicans that went on through the process, will show people that the government can change and actually achieve something great for our benefit. It should also show people the real faces of their republican politicians. The fact that they will vote No for no other reason than to spite the democrats. That's not what they are supposed to be there for. Elections are not supposed to be the reason for a congressmans actions. It seems as though they can't simply think on their own and do what they feel is right for the people they represent. Instead they do as they are told by the petty men who want their way and want do whatever they can to undermine the other party, even if it goes against something they themselves actually stand for. Where's the common sense in that. This is not high school. These are peoples lives they are messing around with and I hope those people realize it's time to put some fresh faces into those seats, even if they are still republican. I have to believe there are some good, smart and reasonable republican politicians out there. I know plenty of republicans and they aren't irrational people, they don't hate democrats and they are not opposed to every single liberal idea just because it's liberal.
I'm very excited about health care reform. I think it's definitely a step in the right direction to protecting people's rights to health care. If someone is willing to pay for insurance, then let them. They shouldn't be denied because they beat cancer five years ago. Every child should be covered. A parent shouldn't have to worry about whether they'll go broke if their child get sick or in an accident.
I can only hope that people will see how beneficial this will be to them and stop being so divisive. I'm tired of seeing the ugly things that people will do to get their point of view across. It's unneccessary and only makes you even more wrong when you attack people, verbally or physically.
This was a big win and now it's time to move on to the next issue. The republicans need to get over it and move forward to work on something new. And no, trying to repeal this bill is not something new.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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