Monday, December 7, 2009

New Moon review (spoiler alert)

I waited for a couple of weekends to pass before going to see the new Twilight movie because I didn't want to be surrounded by a hundred teenaged girls screaming every time Taylor Lautner, better known as Jacob, came on to the screen shirtless.
I'm pretty sure my instincts were right. For one thing, Taylor's without a shirt for most of the movie, so there must have been a lot of screaming. Also, it was nice to see it in a semi empty theater. At least the directors understood what a goldmine they had with Taylor's body. That boy is gorgeous.
The movie was pretty close to the book, but you definitely lose an understanding of the extreme pain and hurt Bella experiences that is so well described in the book.
Edward, while still very good looking has a powdery look to him that seems weird.
The Volturi scene is probably the best part of the movie. The cameos by Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning are fantastic. Marred only by the ridiculous scene of Alice's vision of Bella as a vampire in the future, FROLICKING through the woods with Edward. I didn't get how that translated to her being a vampire. It was pretty silly.
All in all, it's a movie pandering to its intended audience, adolescent girls. So, keeping that in mind, the movie was pretty decent.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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