Saturday, February 7, 2009

Preview of new Pixar movie Up!

The highlight of my day at Comic Con was definitely the preview of Disney Pixar's preview of their upcoming movie Up!
They showed the first 46 minutes of the movie to a limited audience of 300 people.
It was a little rough with the sound but overall it was the great animation and storytelling that we've all come to expect from Pixar.
The story of an old man who gets his house to float using a ton of balloons seems a little odd at first, but they do good job with the lead up and back story. You will definitely fall in love with the character very quickly. The preview definitely left me wanting to see the rest of the movie. It's due out in May and I can't wait to see it.

The rest of the Con is fun as usual. You can definitely see the effects of the economy by the deals this year. There are buy one graphic novel get two free, and 50% off the newer graphic novels. I got really good deals on some figures and stuff that I would never have thought I would get in the past.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Joss Whedon presenting Dollhouse is sure to be awesome. He is my hero and I've never met him before, so I'm ready to totally geek out and wait for ever just to get his autograph. Wish me luck.

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